When building a new digital product or updating current systems, be it a website or an app, you want to ensure that your product is something that your users actually want to use – not a painful experience.
To build and ultimately release a great product you’ll need a motivated and talented product development team that combines skill, with character and company culture. No easy feat, but one that’s definitely doable!
There’s plenty of software-speak that goes whooshing over the heads of most people - and even some of the heads of those programming! Two of the terms that you might hear thrown about in the world of software are microservices and web services. These are both ways of defining software products: by breaking larger software products down into manageable chunks that can talk to each other. Let’s take a closer look.
Are you looking for advice on how to grow and scale your new software startup? Maybe you’re looking for tips on how to pitch potential investors or how to form a solid business plan?
You have a million dollar app idea. But you don’t have a million dollars to get it off the ground. How can you put together something professional looking to see if others would be interested - if you don’t have any design skills?
For any business, not for profit, or even for building a personal project or your personal brand, embarking on web and app development can be a tricky time. Without personal experience in the process, it’s hard to figure out timelines: which should go where, and when?
Fixed price contracts can be rather tricky in a Scrum environment. Classic software development and Agile software development are very different from one another, and things that work in one environment don’t necessarily work in another.
Read moreThe simple answer is, yes. Agile teams still need to adhere to the basics of testing, however, their approach allows them to go about it quite differently.
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