Apr 03, 2015

The Importance of Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance criteria are a range of conditions that a given product must satisfy before the end-user, consumer, or group of stakeholders accepts it.

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Feb 13, 2015

Is Scrum a Good Choice for Fixed Price Projects?

Fixed price contracts can be rather tricky in a Scrum environment. Classic software development and Agile software development are very different from one another, and things that work in one environment don’t necessarily work in another.

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Jan 29, 2015

Do you Need Dedicated Testers on an Agile Team?

The simple answer is, yes. Agile teams still need to adhere to the basics of testing, however, their approach allows them to go about it quite differently.

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Jul 19, 2014

Agile vs. Waterfall Development

One of the first decisions developers face when beginning a project is, “What development method should we use?” It is a question that often results in heated debates and long discussions.

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