Do you have an excellent product idea that you can’t wait to make a reality? It’s not always an easy choice to decide on who will help bring your plan to life. Each project is different, so there’s no one-size fits all answer as to whether freelancers or software development companies are the “better” choice.
As a small business owner, you need your company to run like a well-oiled machine. One of the best ways to make sure your business is running as efficiently as possible is to implement custom software.
Ah, the fixed price software project. Sounds great in theory... but in practice? Someone’s probably going to end up either in a fit of rage, tears, or both - whether it’s you or your developer (and possibly both of you…).
Do you have a task to achieve? There’s an app for that. Kanban software is now widely used in both businesses as well as in people’s personal lives. However, some of these software products are better than others - as is the case with any type of app! Today we outline our top picks for 2020.
Not all software houses work the same way. The processes, tools, and workflows that go on behind the scenes can vary wildly - and a lot of that comes down to the software development methodology they practice. Agile, Waterfall, Spotify - they’re all different ways of working to build a piece of software, each with its own pros and cons, as well as best-fit projects.
If you’re rubbing shoulders with software developers or even if you’re fresh in the industry, there’s a good chance you’ve heard the terms offshore, onshore, and nearshore software development thrown around. But what exactly does it mean and what’s the difference?
Fixed price contracts can be rather tricky in a Scrum environment. Classic software development and Agile software development are very different from one another, and things that work in one environment don’t necessarily work in another.
Read moreThe simple answer is, yes. Agile teams still need to adhere to the basics of testing, however, their approach allows them to go about it quite differently.
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