Mar 20, 2015

How the Cloud Can Improve your Business

The cloud offers the modern businesses of today many appealing benefits. It allows a company to set up a virtual office, where it has the flexibility to connect from anywhere, anytime.

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Mar 11, 2015

Software Development in the Cloud and Overcoming its Security Obstacles

​The cloud is not a new concept; in fact, it is older than most developers. It is the recent combination of high-speed computer processing, improved Internet accessibility, advances in cyber security, and cost-effective storage options that has made this idea popular across the IT industry.

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Feb 13, 2015

Is Scrum a Good Choice for Fixed Price Projects?

Fixed price contracts can be rather tricky in a Scrum environment. Classic software development and Agile software development are very different from one another, and things that work in one environment don’t necessarily work in another.

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Jan 29, 2015

Do you Need Dedicated Testers on an Agile Team?

The simple answer is, yes. Agile teams still need to adhere to the basics of testing, however, their approach allows them to go about it quite differently.

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Dec 06, 2014

The Importance of Code Reviews

Effective and accurate code developers, not unlike writers or other professionals, know the importance of having their work reviewed by a peer.

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Sep 04, 2014

5 Questions you need to Ask Yourself Before Developing an App

So you have a brilliant idea for an app? You’ve been thinking about it for months, and you are absolutely sure that nobody else has thought of it before.

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